
The ministry of the Word is for those who have a great love of Scripture.  As a Lector you will proclaim the Word of God at Mass, introduce the litrugy, and when the a deacon is not present, offer the Prayers of the Faithful.  The Lectors proclaim God's word through understanding of the scriptures, preparation, prayer, and His grace.  As Christ became the word of God through the flesh, we attempt to become living examples of God's word through the flesh for our assembly and community.  If you are interested in being a Lector please contact one of the coordinators below.



Kacey Carroll 801-455-7623, Coordinator for English liturgy

Sol Jimenez  801-833-2945, Coordinador para liturgia con Español


Daily Mass Readings, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): Text | Audio | Video

Lecturas Diarias, Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)


New American Bible, USCCB

Saint of the Day, AmericanCatholic.org

Liturgical Year, Vatican

The Center for Liturgy, St. Louis University: English | Español


Pronunciation Guide for Biblical Words, audio, Net Ministries
Bible Words Phonetic Pronunciation, phonetic spelling, betterdaysarecoming.com
App Store - Bible Audio Pronunciations, $2.99 at the Apple Store

Voice Projection

Speak Up! A Guide to Voice Projection, PDF
How To Do Voice Projection, Youtube [7:30]

Search the Bible by keyword, book, version, etc.: BibleGateway.com


A Few Good Lectors Are Not Enough by George Miller
"Great lectors can envision themselves washing the feet (figuratively) of their listeners with God’s word. They try to visualize the humility and love that Jesus showed when he actually did wash the feet of his apostles; then work at proclaiming their readings with the same humility and love; and in so doing, touch the hearts and minds of their listeners more deeply."